Connecticut State Department of Aging and Disability Services, Every Connecticut city and town has a Municipal Agent for the Elderly who assists town residents ages 60+ by providing information and referrals to local, state, and federal services and benefit programs. Municipal Agents for the Elderly are appointed by a town official for a two or four year term. Municipal Agents are familiar with programs and benefits such as Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP (Food Stamps), Social Security, protective services, legal services, adult day care, housing, transportation, and local senior and community groups. Many also help seniors fill out application forms for benefits.ELIGIBILITY: Town residents ages 60+; People of any age who are concerned about the welfare of a town resident who is at least age 60.Each of Connecticut’s 169 towns has a Municipal Agent and/or Social Service Department available to help older adults understand the programs and benefits available to them.To find your local municipal agent, see the 2-1-1’s “Municipal Agent for the Elderly” listing, by town: or you can search by service term, “Municipal Agents for the Elderly” and add the name of your town, here,
————————–SOURCE: Connecticut State Department of Aging and Disability Services; Connecticut town listings in 2-1-1 databasePREPARED BY: 211/nl