Uniform Relocation Act – Connecticut

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The following is excerpted from the Connecticut General Assembly Office of Legislative Research Report #2004-R-0383 https://www.cga.ct.gov/2004/rpt/2004-R-0383.htm

Comparison of both the Uniform Relocation Assistance Act and the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act, can be found here, https://www.cga.ct.gov/2017/rpt/pdf/2017-R-0105.pdf

Uniform Relocation Assistance Act
Under Connecticut’s Uniform Relocation Assistance Act (CGS § 8-266), individuals and businesses who are displaced from their place of residence as a result of state or local government acquisition of their real property, code enforcement activities, or governmental and governmentally-supervised building rehabilitation programs, are entitled to advisory assistance and financial compensation from the municipality or other state agency that caused them to be displaced. The act’s provisions also apply to any project funded by the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) that will result in displacement.

Advisory Assistance
Under this law, the displacing agency must:

Financial Assistance
The municipality or agency that causes the displacement must pay the displaced person:

Landlord Responsibilities
Where a person is displaced from a rental due to code enforcement violations, the law requires a landlord to repay reasonable expenses to the municipality where his/her property is located for assistance paid to the displaced tenant. The municipality may place a lien on any real property owned by the landlord to secure reimbursement. A municipality may sue a landlord to recover the assistance paid.

For more detailed information on the act, visit: United States Department of Housing and Urban Development: Overview of the Uniform Act

The Connecticut Uniform Relocation Assistance Act’s Application to Municipal Code Enforcements Revised Report: https://www.cga.ct.gov/2020/rpt/pdf/2020-R-0359.pdf

SOURCES: Connecticut General Assembly Office of Legislative Research Report #2004-R-0383; OLR-0359-2020; Connecticut General Statutes § 8-266; CTLawHelp.org site