Water Testing – Connecticut
Public Water Supply
- Connecticut residents whose water comes from a municipal or private water company, and who wonder if their water is safe to drink, should call their water company to see how to proceed. Some water supply companies will perform routine tests on water samples for possible contaminants; some will do a test upon request of a local health department or regional health district. The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) has lists of Connecticut water supply companies and the towns that they serve on the DEEP website: https://www.ct.gov/deep/cwp/view.asp?a=2685&q=329272&deepNav_GID=1654
- If the water supply is thought to be seriously contaminated or causing illness for household members, residents should contact their town health department or regional health district. They will send water samples to labs for testing if the water is thought to be a health hazard. Health departments and health districts will not do routine water tests.
Private Water Wells
- Homeowners who have a private well are responsible for maintaining and testing their water supply. Testing should be done once a year or at the time of a home inspection or well construction. Renters who are concerned about the quality of their well water should request that their landlord have it tested. If the landlord does not comply, the renter can contact their town health department or regional health district to inquire about well water testing. As with tap water, well water samples are sent to labs for testing if they are thought to be a health hazard.
- For technical assistance on well construction, maintenance, water quality or water treatment please contact the CT Department of Public Health, Private Well Program at 860-509-8401, DPH.PrivateWellProgram@ct.gov, or contact your Local Health Department/District.
- Link here for Private Well Testing Sites – List of Approved Laboratories
Connecticut Department of Public Health
United States Environmental Protection Agency
- The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a Safe Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791) to answer questions on drinking water standards, local water quality, public water systems and other topics about drinking water and ground water programs, www.epa.gov/safewater. Information on actions people can take to reduce lead in their drinking water can be found at: https://www.epa.gov/lead
- The EPA also provides further information on private drinking water well safety and testing on the EPA website: https://www.epa.gov/privatewells
Environmental Hazards Evaluation
Environmental Hazards Information
SOURCES: Connecticut State Department of Public Health website; United States Environmental Protection Agency website; Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) website