DMHAS, a state government agency funds comprehensive mental health and substance abuse services throughout Connecticut. DMHAS is the state’s lead agency for the prevention and treatment of alcohol and other drug abuse. Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
Connecticut Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services also provides a listing of various treatment options, certifications and other information regarding Sober Living Homes, on the following DMHAS webpage:
211/United Way of Connecticut
Call 2-1-1 , 24 hours/7days for information and referrals, or go to the 2-1-1 website for substance abuse related service listings.
2-1-1 maintains information on the following treatment services and related programs in Connecticut. Put in the service suggested below on our search page and a city/town to locate resources that serve your area: 2-1-1 Database Search
Substance Abuse Support Groups
Information on substance abuse support groups in Connecticut is available by calling 2-1-1, 24 hours/7 days a week, or by going to the 2-1-1 website, and putting in support groups in the search area and then selecting from the drop-down list of groups that may be of interest, then put in a city/town, to locate resources that serve your area.
The Connecticut Clearinghouse
Fact sheets and lending library of printed materials and videos about individual drugs and related issues affecting mental health and wellness. The Clearinghouse is Connecticut’s resource center for information about alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and related issues affecting mental health and wellness.
Links to Connecticut Clearinghouse Drug Fact Sheets
Fact sheets on specific drugs, drug testing, prescribed drugs, etc.
SAMHSA – Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, United States Department of Health and Human Services
Nationwide treatment locator on the Web that lists treatment facilities, services, and programs in any state. Go to:
Regional Behavioral Health Action Organizations (RBHAOs)
Regional planning and service-coordinating organizations in Connecticut assess and coordinate needed services in the field of substance abuse, and plan/sponsor community wide prevention initiatives. RBHAQs do not provide direct treatment or referral.
Governor’s Prevention Partnership
Public/private partnership co-chaired by the Governor and by business CEOs works with schools, colleges, workplace settings, the police, communities, parents, and youth to prevent youth substance abuse and violence.