2-1-1 CT Data-Glance
Connecticut 2-1-1’s database of programs and services is continuously updated to meet the needs of Connecticut and its residents. Our goal is to ensure that individuals and families can access the help and information they need including: basic needs assistance, mental health services, transportation resources, housing resources, utility payment help, employment assistance, information on volunteer opportunities and more. Is your agency or program missing from the 2-1-1 database? Click HERE to read our inclusion/exclusion criteria and learn how to add a new resource or update your program or agency information.
A snapshot of some of the new programs and services recently added to the 2-1-1 database are highlighted in the documents below. Please Note: Programs are added and deleted continually and are subject to change at any time.
2-1-1 CT Data-Glance: 2020
2-1-1 CT Data-Glance: 2019
2-1-1 CT Data-Glance: 2018