
If you were recently released from incarceration, the links below will help you find useful services and programs in the community.

Basic Needs:

Health/Dental Care:

Housing/Homeless Shelters:

*Individuals in immediate need of shelter
should dial 2-1-1, press option 3 and then 1*

Community Programs and Case
Management for Returning Citizens:


Mental Health Services:

Substance Use Disorder:



2-1-1 Regional Reentry Directories:

Additional Resources

Dial 2‐1‐1 directly and talk to one of the call specialists who will assist you. You can also reach them, toll‐free, at 1‐800‐203‐1234, 24/7. They can help you locate a resource, provide referrals and crisis intervention services. The service is free and confidential.

Connecticut Legal Services, “Roadmap to Reentry: A Connecticut Legal Guide” – Resource for navigating the legal issues an individual with a criminal record may encounter with getting an ID, housing, public benefits, and family issues that may arise.  To view or download a copy of the guide, visit the CLS website:

Helping Hands: This guide is for families who have loved ones who are presently incarcerated as well as when those individuals re-enter.

2-1-1’s Navigator Benefits Tool – can screen individuals to see what State and Federal programs they may be eligible for.

CT Department of Social Services: Benefit assistance may also be available by contacting the Department of Social Services (DSS). To find out about the types of services they provide, call 855‐626‐6632, or visit the website,

2‐1‐1 eLibrary papers are available on various topics which may be of interest. Papers related to re-entry can be accessed at For additional papers on criminal justice, disability issues, and other topics, visit

Specialized Directories

The following directories were created to connect you with needed services based on a topic.  Each directory includes agencies, addresses, description of services available and other key information.  Our hope is that each Directory will promote linkages between people in need and service providers.